The 75 Best iPad Apps 3

Business and Productivity Apps
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Air Display 1.2 (for iPad)

AirDisplay 1.2 for iPad

A second monitor can be a boon to productivity, as you can keep Outlook, Twitter, or other potentially distracting work element on a second screen. That's where Avatron's Air Display comes in: It turns your iPad into a wireless second LCD monitor for your Mac or PC.



Bento is an extremely flexible organizational app that can get your business or your everyday life in order courtesy of 25 ready-to-use database templates.

Citrix GoToMyPC

Citrix Go To My PC

GoToMyPC for iPad makes it simple to control your computer while away from your work area, but the lack of multitasking support, and latency issues, may dampen the experience.

Dragon Dictation

Dragon Dictation

Featuring very accurate voice transcription and the ability to share messages via e-mail, Facebook, and Twitter, Naunce's dictation app is both fun to use and immensely helpful—as long as you're connected to the Web.

Dropbox for iPad

Dropbox for iPad

Simple to use and extremely useful, this file synchronization app will keep all of your files in step, but the lack of built in file editing, and other limitations, may prove irritating.

Filemaker Go

FileMaker Go

FileMaker Go is a well-designed iPad app that lets you access database information from the palm of your hand. It lacks synchronization and the ability to create files, but it's yet another solid iPad business app.


When it comes to reviewing, editing, archiving, and sharing text, it's difficult to top this excellent iPad app.

iWork for iPad

iWork for iPad
$9.99 each for Keynote for iPad, Numbers for iPad, and Pages for iPad
iWork is an impressive debut for a tablet-based application suite, and one of the best arguments for getting an iPad. Jobs Jobs

Free, one of the leading online employment services, makes job-hunting couch-compatible with its fun, free iPad app.

Power.ME HD

Power.ME HD

Chock full of task- and project-management tools, this iPad app will find favor with most mobile professionals.



This feature-rich PDF creation app will appeal to mobile professionals who want to edit documents and create PDFs while on the go.