iPhone + WordPress: Essential Themes, Plugins and Apps.

WordPress is without a doubt one of the most ubiquitous website and blogging platforms around, and for good reason. The sheer volume of plugins and themes available to make your site stand out from the crowd is immense and has made WordPress the premier piece of web software for creating a beautiful website or blog.
Contemplate for a moment that there are now estimated to be upwards of 96.6 million Internet users who read a blog at least once a month – and that’s just in the US! It would be crazy not to utilize the incredible functionality of the iPhone to aid you in updating, managing, and tracking your website or blog. Furthermore, with the ever increasing rise of the smartphone, a large portion of the people viewing websites and blogs will be doing so on the move. You wouldn’t want your WordPress site to disappoint them would you?
Below we’ll look at a range of WordPress related resources with your iPhone in mind – from Apps to help you manage your blog through to themes and plugins designed to make your site have an impact on the iPhone.


For those of you who want to be able to manage, track, and most importantly update your website or blog on the move then these Apps are right up your street!


First on the list is the WordPress App, which makes it easy to manage your WordPress blog or site from your iOS device. It allows you to take charge of all your WordPress sites and moderate comments, create or edit posts and pages, and add images or videos with ease.
Price: Free
WordPress for iPhone

Statistics for WordPress

So now you can manage your WordPress site from anywhere, but what’s next? Next is what you really want to know – exactly how your site is faring in the big wide world! Statistics for WordPress helps you do exactly that by allowing you to download and view statistics relating to all your WordPress powered sites. You can just drag your fingers over the multi-touch graphs to compare visitor numbers between days, weeks or months – while also being able to preview your top pages, referrers, searches or clicked links!
Price: $2.99
Statistics for WordPress


For those of you who delight in having multiple blogs across multiple platforms, I have also included a multi-platform blogging App on this list. BlogPress is the king of the multi-platform blogging Apps and supports a wide range of blog platforms, video upload, and the uploading of multiple photos. If your blogs aren’t confined solely to the WordPress platform then this is definitely one to consider!
Price: $2.99
BlogPress for iPhone


A keen eye for themes is essential for any WordPress aficionado – at best they grab the attention of any casual visitor, while at worst a shoddy theme can send even your site’s most devoted fans packing!

SOFA iBloggr

Sofa iBloggr is the very first WordPress theme made exclusively for iPhone and iPod touch devices. It’s designed to fit perfectly on a 320px wide screen while also looking great on all desktop browsers!
Price: $17
SOFA iBloggr

Simple Mobile

Simple Mobile is another theme designed specifically for the iPhone and comes with eight possible colour schemes. It can be used in parallel with another theme and only presented to mobile users, or in the traditional way (where it is presented to both desktop and mobile users).
Price: $22
Simple Mobile


While perhaps not as slick as either of the above themes, iWorld comes with ten possible colour schemes and widgets for Twitter and Flickr. It’s a fair bit more expensive than some of the others – only you can decide whether it’s worth it!
Price: $27


Although compact in design, this theme offers all the features to the user that a normal WordPress blog theme has to offer. DotMobi has unlimited theme colours available by using a color picker and runs straight out of the box!
Price: $17
DotMobi - WordPress Theme for Mobile Devices


iBusiness is one of the more slick-looking website templates and comes with three different widget areas and nine different styles. It also comes with documentation to help you integrate the template with the desktop version of your site.
Price: $17
iBusiness iPhone-iPod Template

Video Elements Mobile

Next up are a couple of themes from WPtap that differ from the above in that they are designed to work with specific WordPress themes from Press75. They had to get a mention because, despite the expense, all the themes from WPtap are undeniably gorgeous! Video Elements mobile is a stunning theme that focuses on clearly displaying video content from Press75′s Video Elements theme.
Price: $49.99
Video Elements Mobile

On Demand

On Demand mobile is another optimized site from WPtap to be used in conjunction with Press75′s On Demand theme – it’s feature packed and is even optimized for Vimeo native playback.
Price: $49.99
On Demand Mobile


If you are slightly less concerned about having an iPhone specific theme for your website or blog, but would still like your content to be comfortably viewable by anyone on a mobile device then look no further than the two most popular iPhone related WordPress plugins!


The iWPhone WordPress plugin and theme automatically reformats your blog’s content for optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhone and iPod Touch. It detects the iPhone/iPod touch’s user agent and serves up the content with a customized theme only displayed to iPhone and iPod touch visitors.
Price: Free

WPtouch Pro

On the other end of the plugin spectrum is WPtouch Pro. It helps you setup a detailed and feature-rich version of your website for touch screen mobile devices with just a few clicks. It even allows you to go one step further and build your own custom theme with WPtouch’s Skeleton theme template.
Price: $29
WPtouch Pro

What did we miss?

We’ve looked at lots of ways to get your WordPress site going mobile but have we missed your favorite mobile theme or plugin? What do you think of the current crop of available iPhone specific themes? Should we be simplifying our sites so much for the iPhone when it’s actually rather good at rendering web pages?
Leave a comment below and let us know your thoughts!